Oral Histories
Oral Histories Overview
Oral History Project
Faces of interviewees for our oral history project
Experience Campbelltown's bygone years through recordings of local residents as they reminisce about early Campbelltown, at a time when Queen Street was just a dirt road.
Featuring interviews by Local Studies Librarian, Andrew Allen, these oral histories record stories of personal and family connections with prominent people from Campbelltown's past. They also cover social trends and highlight times during The Depression and war years and what Campbelltown was like before and after electricity.
New interviews recently added include residents Fatin Al Rawi, Sikander Khan and Maluach who tell their stories of coming to Campbelltown from other countries.
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During the late 1970's, staff from Campbelltown Library, armed with a cassette recorder sought out interviews with local Campbelltown identities.
Please enjoy excerpts from these interviews as they talk of enlisting in the First World War, working for Dr. Mawson and celebrating Empire Day among other subjects.
Interviewees include: Ambrose Bourke, Rita Brunero, Zillah Dredge, Aileen Haydon, Violet Reynolds, Leila Spearing, Edna Willis.
Interviews conducted by: Kris Svendsen, Lorna Humphreys, previous Local Studies librarians, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: During the late 1970's
Andrew Allen interviews six amazing people with very unique and inspiring backgrounds. He learns of the struggles each have had to overcome and the joys each have experienced.
John Delaney
Born on Burra Bee Dee Mission John escaped becoming part of the stolen generation when his family heeded a warning and went to live in Redfern. John describes hardships suffered and open racism experienced by Australia's First Nations people. He talks also of good times and of the many voices that helped the Aboriginal people to which he would add his own, becoming involved with indigenous affairs, community and politics.
Read the transcript of John's interview (PDF, 276KB)
Pastor Michael and Tori Duckett
Growing up in the Illawarra, Michael shares his views on reconciliation, equality and how his religious beliefs align with his culture. Tori, Michael's daughter has always lived in Campbelltown and since leaving school is studying Health and Education at university while continuing to dance with the Wiritjiribin dance troupe.
Read the transcript of Michael and Tori's interview (PDF, 154KB)
Rosemary Kariuki
Growing up in the Usain Gishu district of the Rift Valley in East Africa, Rosemary cared for the youngest group of sixteen of her father's children when he suddenly passed away while the others worked the farm. She was 10. Rosemary believed for the longest time that you can't talk bad of adults. That finally changed in 2007 when she did the documentary "The Baulkham Hill African Ladies Troup." Rosemary's indomitable spirit shines through in this remarkable interview.
Read the transcript of Rosemary's interview (PDF, 144KB)
Brian Laul
Born in what is now Chennai, South India, Brian went to University and had a distinguished career as a journalist interviewing the likes of Mother Teresa and Muhammad Ali among others. Initially visiting Australia for a fun trip, he and his family moved here in 1997. Whenever Brian has seen a community need, he has championed it beginning many well received projects and finding time to stage a very different musical version of the Wizard of Oz and operate a business. He became a citizen of the year in 2023.
Read the transcript of Brian's interview (PDF, 230KB)
Hamani Tanginoa
Born in Campbelltown at the beginning of the 21st century, Hamani relays what life was like growing up here with a strongly community minded family and shares with us their heritage and identity with Wiradjuri, Gureng Gureng and Tongan bloodlines. Hamani became integral to the Smash the Silence music events the first Aboriginal Youth Premiere when in 2019 they were elected to the NSW Youth Parliament representing for two years as well as being the first openly gay premiere in the program's history.
Read the Transcript of Hamani Tanginoa's Interview (PDF, 129KB)
Alan and Rhonda Sloper
Oral History Interview
Alan shares stories of the times his father would drive his old Dodge from Bondi to Campbelltown to look after a bee farm on his 56 acre property in 1936. There were no roads, electricity or phones back then, only dirt tracks. Rhonda recalls a time when wearing shorts shopping was frowned upon and not socially accepted in this town. It was a massive cultural change after moving from The Entrance, a bayside village to the bush in 1964.
Discussions include: Bondi, midget submarine, Rose Festival, Fisher's Ghost Festival, amusement rides, showmen, Doctor Pate, Dr. Guest, Dr. Parnell, Reg Gale, Oakwood, Scattergoods, boarding school, Teddy McGoldrick, Catholic Club, Clive Tregear, Alf Sloper, Harley Daley, Jerry Bakkers, Graham Dunstan, Fred Braat, snow cones, Ron Moore. Mrs Mac's Taxi service.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 23 December 2015
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Read the Transcript of interview with Alan and Rhonda Sloper (PDF, 168KB)
Allan McClelland
Oral History Interview
Named after a soldier of the First World War, Allan came to Campbelltown when he was three years old.
Discussions include: Growing up on a dairy farm, herding Ayrshire, times during the war, the State Nursery and Council days.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 17 November 2011
Arthur and Valerie (Jean) Hounslow
Oral History Interview
Delivered by Willam Mawson in 1927 Arthur tells of the building of Ingleburn Weir, council meetings on a full moon and a hairy time in the scouts. Jean recalls rabbit stew, her father's work as well as a close link with Ingleburn house.
Discussions include: Dr William Mawson, School of Arts Committee, Ingleburn Council, Harley Daley, Lest We Forget clock, Baby Health Centre, Ingleburn Baptist Church, Ingleburn School, Greg Percival, Peter Benson, cubs and scouts, The Depression, drought, blackouts, entertainment, Fred Goodsell, working with the Water Board , School of Arts, First World War, Alderman of Council, Minto, Macquarie Fields, Georges River.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 23 May 2013.
Barbara Fetterplace
Oral History Interview
Born in East Maitland, Barbara moved to Campbelltown with husband Gordon where they owned a pharmacist. Both would play a significant role in the Campbelltown community.
Discussions include: Gordon Fetterplace, Pharmacist, Farnsworth Avenue, Kentyln, Park Central, Queen Street, Campbelltown Show, Tigers, Gough Whitlam, Clive Tregear, Paul Tosi, Inghams Farm, politics, Fisher's Ghost Restaurant.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 7 December 2017
Barney Ponsonby
Oral History Interview
Born 1950, Barney spent all his childhood growing up in a house on Chamberlain Street, Campbelltown that was built by Frank Thornton in 1946. His grandfather was the Stationmaster at Menangle.
Discussions include: Arthur Campbell, Moore Street, By-Pass, vegie gardens, Mossberry, Campbelltown Central, Schoolboy Championship racing bikes, Pansy, Camden Train, Bill Fairburn Campbelltown North, the Rixons Campbelltown Show, swimming at Menangle River, cars, Lacks and club hotels, Ampol garage, Downes.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 14 March 2014
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Read the Transcript of interview with Barney Ponsonby (PDF, 215KB)
Betty Dredge
Oral History Interview
Born Minnie Moss, Betty tells of life growing up in the 'bush' suburb of Macquarie Fields. Married in 1953, Betty moved into a flat over Mrs Taylor's shop opposite the Campbelltown Town Hall.
Discussions include: Warby Street, Macquarie Fields, father in the First World War, growing up with strict parents, Ingleburn School, Glenfield Veterinary Clinic, Anthony Hordem's general store, St Peter's Church, Georges River, St Barnabas Church, Dredge's Cottage, The Depression, war years, Campbelltown blackouts, School of Arts, Sid Percival, the railways.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 29 October 2010.
Bob Etchells
Oral History Interview
Born 1941 in Ashfield, Bob shares with us highlights of his family's history.
Discussions include: Emily Cottage, East Minto, trees in Byron Bay, Freres Crossing, Georges River, bush fires, Hansen's, Campbellfield's homestead, Pembroke Road, World War One, the Minto Bushfire Brigade.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 9 April 2015
Bob Moore
Oral History Interview
Born in Milby Private Hospital, Bob tells of his time growing up during the great depression.
Discussions include: Fisher's Ghost Restaurant, Librarian, Campbelltown Council, Council Chambers, Battle of Albert, Soldiers Settlement, Mawson Park, Wedderburn, The Depression, Dr Mawson, Rice Brothers, Campbelltown Public School, Air Force, Liverpool Junior Technical College, Thirlmere Museum, railways, Harley Daley Town Clerk, Bookkeeping, Lithgow Street, social nights out in Campbelltown, Romalis's Fish and Chips shop, Balalaika Cafe, Everett Langdon, Menangle Park.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 17 October 2011
Cheryl Reynolds
Oral History Interview
Cheryl was born in Paddington but moved to Campbelltown early on with her mother and father Harley Daley where their family was integral to the development of Campbelltown.
Discussions include: H.J Daley, Bill Bursill, Thomas Rose, Mort Clissold, Bagley's Newsagency, Raith, Balalaika, Everett Langdon, Mate Sedgwick, Arch Walker, Sherwood Hills, Good Intent Hotel, Railway Hotel, Carolyn's Frock Salon, Marie Kelly, Mount Gilead. Campbelltown Library
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 22 June 2023
Colleen Eggleton
Oral History Interview
Colleen Eggleton's extensive recollection of Campbelltown from the time she moved here in 1944, after her father was appointed a teacher at Kentlyn School. In this interview Colleen is joined with her daughter Helen and with Kevin and Margaret Rixon.
Discussions include: Kentlyn School, Vardy's, Walker's, Lloyd King's dairy, Ivy Cottage, Willis', shopping, Queen Street, Lithgow Street, Sproule's, Cooper's, Marie Kelly's dress shop, McAuliffe's, O’Loughlan's, milk run, Richie Benaud, Tripp's and Pope's garage, sewerage, Ray Carroll, struggle Town, Wajnrib's, bread run, Warby's, Brunero's, Mamones, Downes, Norm Campbell, Teddy MacPherson, movies, Appin Road Accident, Foti Fireworks, Snob hill, Mr McLean, Mereil Street, Don Bradman.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 4 August 2016
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Read the Transcript of interview with Colleen Eggleton (PDF, 456KB)
Coral Henson
Oral History Interview
Coral shares memories of growing up in Campbelltown.
Discussions include: The Depression, Longhursts, Hepher's, schooling, tennis, Harley Daley, and travelling by the train Pansy from Campbelltown to Camden.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 30 March 2010
David Milliken
Oral History Interview
Born in 1943 when Campbelltown was in flood, David lived on the corner of Moore and Genty Streets.
Discussions include: Frogs Hollow, Wonson's, dairy farming, Glenlee, Kiabla House, Rose Payton, Hayes Cordial, Seddon, Queen Street shop positions, the fire station, Ryan's garage, carpet snake, Russell offices and the Department of Defence, Al Johnson, Gubby Elmaloglou, Bradbury House, Charles Tripp, Syd Pope, Ruth Wajnryb, trout fishing, Cyril Brookes, Dr Thomas.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 14 April 2011
Elsie Evans
Oral History Interview
Growing up as a child in Campsie, Elsie talks of her life and experiences during World War II and of moving to Campbelltown.
Discussions include: Polio, Sabin vaccine, Junior Red Cross, Pansy, Second World War, Ivy Cottage, Masonic Hall, Downes, Narellan Road, Hash's diary, Sedgwick's house, going to the movies, career in Nursing, Queen Street, Monte Carlo, Miss Lloyd's private library, Bursill's, dress shops, chemists, Guides hall.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 17 January 2018
Fatin Al Rawi
Oral History Interview
Campbelltown local Fatin, who was born in Baghdad, tells the story of how her family left war torn Iraq for Fatin and her husband to finish their studies. Fatin completed her Masters in Engineering and her husband his PhD in Malaysia before applying everywhere in the world for a job. As the tensions in Iraq continued and fears for her kids safety grew, an opportunity with UTS - University of Technology Sydney - presented itself to move to Australia.
Discussions include: Migrating to Australia, Auburn, Australian Wildlife, weather, moving to Campbelltown, Glen Alpine, Western Sydney University, Iraq, language, New Zealand.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 24 October 2016
Geoff Eves
Oral History Interview
Professional photographer, Geoff Eves recorded much of Campbelltown's early history including many of its buildings now long gone.
Discussions include: Mawson Park trees, Fisher's Ghost Restaurant, Balalaika Cafe, Tripp's Garage, Lack's Hotel, Queen Street.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 24 July 2013
Greg Percival
Oral History Interview
Born in Ingleburn, 1925, Harold Gregory Percival had many varied jobs with many organizations including the Navy, the GPO and Campbelltown Council as Alderman then Mayor.
Discussions include: Appin, Broughton Estate, Norman Percival, Ingleburn, cricket, soccer, marbles, Woolwash, droughts, bushfires, school days, Postmaster General, telegram delivery, joining the Navy, Sergeant in the Training Corps, Anzac Day, gathering horse manure for a penny, playing tennis, Wattle Park, Mayor of Ingleburn, Jack Farnsworth Deputy Mayor, Guy Marsden, Arch Walker, Clive Tregear, Water Board, Commissioner of the Planning Commission, Macquarie Fields House, Campbelltown Stadium, Kath Whitton, State Parliament, Retirement in 1987, Mac's Emporium, Bowls.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 18 May 2010
Hugh Bairnsfather
Coming to Campbelltown in 1954, photographic enthusiast Hugh documented many moments in Campbelltown's past.
Discussions include: Amateur archaeologists, Campbelltown Historical Society, 1970 Bicentennial, Clive Tregear, Dr Carol Liston, trains and the railways, Pansy, Campbelltown Museum, Civic Centre, the Army.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 31 July 2013
Jessica-Su Tang
Interview with Jessica-Su Tang for Pride Month 2022
Discussions include: Personal history discussing church, China, Transgender issues, wisdom learnt along the way and more.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 4 May 2022
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Read the Transcript of interview with Jessica-Su Tang (PDF, 135KB)
Jim Summers
Living in Campbelltown for more than 80 years Jim tells of his time rabitting, playing football for the Kangaroo's league team and swimming in the Cattle tanks.
Discussions include: Presbyterian Church, Lithgow Street, Margaret Hayes, Fred Wilkinson, Phil Solomon's grocery shop, Lindesay Street, Evans Jewellery, The Depression, marbles, football, cricket, Liverpool, working at Anthony Hordens Menswear Department, Phil Solomon, timber yards, Kangaroos League, Macquarie Cinema, Old Town Hall, Roy Cisco, Showground, Sewer Lane, war years, lanterns for lights, Dr Jones, Dr Thomas, Lacks Hotel, Fisher's Ghost, Cattle Tanks, Kings Diary, Allman Street, Bradbury Park House.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Council
Recorded: 17 February 2010.
Ken Shafer
Ken shares the story of how he came to be a panel beater following a road accident that took the life of a famous boxer called Dave Sands.
Discussions include: Reg Baker, Fisher's Ghost and Shell garages, Sid Pope, fundraising, Good Intent Hotel, panel beating, Lack's Hotel, Barry Clinton, Ron Harris, Gordon Fetterplace, Protestants, Catholic Church, Harry Shafer, horse riding to school, boxing, Ita Buttrose, speedway, St Gregory's College,
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 14 April 2016
Ken Simmonds
Ken Simmonds, brother of Margaret Mellish shares his story of hard living in the bush at Simmo's beach in the fifties and of those that lived there before.
Discussions includeSimmo's Beach, Terry Falconer, Masher Manns, Wally Mellish
Interview by: Claire Lynch, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 13 April 2024.
Lilly Hepher
Born in 1915 and moving with her two brothers and two sisters to Lithgow Street in 1919. Lilly has a great many memories of Campbelltown at a time when the street lamps of Queen Street were lit by hand.
Discussions include: Electricity comes to Campbelltown, food, games and sports, strict parents, Campbelltown Primary School, Business College, Downes Stores on Milgate Lane, Dumaresq Street, working for the newspaper, the Scouts, Woolwash, Macquarie Cinema, The Depression, Second World War, blackouts during the war, Soldiers Settlement, Colonial buildings, Alpha House, Dredges Cottage, Marlowes, Tripps Garage, Jack's bicycle shop, Fisher's Ghost Restaurant, Milbys, colourful characters in the early days of Campbelltown.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 7 May 2010
Maluach (aka Paul)
Maluach came to Australia from war torn South Sudan. Sadly, like hundreds of other children in the area he contracted meningitis and lost much of his hearing.
Discussions include: South Sudan, moving to Campbelltown, Campbelltown Library.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library and Julie Levell
Recorded: 15 March 2017
Margaret Mellish (nee Simmonds)
Margaret Rose Mellish (nee Simmonds) was born in December 1941 to parents Eva and Bob. The family was taken to live at Simmo’s Beach on the Georges River in 1955. Margaret talks about the difficulties her family faced living at Simmo’s in a tin shack.
*Please be advised this oral history contains sensitive content regarding abusive behaviour. It may not be suitable for all listeners.
Discussions include: Living and working at Simmo’s beach, the Simmonds family, Wally Mellish and the Glenfield Siege, family hardships, living on the Georges River.
Interview by: Claire Lynch, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 15 February 2024
Margaret Templeman (nee Worrell)
One of eight Children, Margaret grew up in a house in the middle of Park.
Discussions include: Junction Road, Georges River Road, East Campbelltown School, nursing, WWII, Pansy, shops in Campbelltown.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 8 September 2010
Maureen Patrick
Born in Cowra in 1936, Maureen's father and Grandfather worked on the railways. In sixth form her family moved to Campbelltown from Molong to be close to family.
Discussions include: Cowra, railways, Wattamondara, Leadville, Benneranbah, Cootamundra, Commonwealth money boxes, Werris Creek, Sub Inspector, Lithgow Street, Queen Street, Solomons Store, David Jones, Bussills Brothers, carpet snakes, Campbelltown Public School, old flour mill on Campbelltown Road, biscuits, Freres Crossing, Paddy Hunt, dancing, football, marching girl, Flying Garlands.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 13 August 2013
Nell O'Loughlan
Nell's grandparent's were given a grant by Governor Macquarie, and grew grapes on their farm. Nell herself, was born in Elderslie, Camden and tells of life with her widowed mother during the great depression.
Discussions include: Elderslie, German Immigrants, St Paul's School in Camden, The Depression, school, Pansy, railways, working at Pope's Garage, Dumaresq Street, Kokoda Trail in New Guinea, St John's, Bussill Brothers, Rose Payten, Campbelltown's tornado, floods, Catholic Club, Rugby Leauge Football, Duguid Oval, Balalaika Cafe.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 16 January 2015
Norm Campbell
Born in Campbelltown in 1923. Norm recalls a wealth of stories about his time as a fireman, projectionist and newspaper photographer.
Many of Norm's photographs can be found at Campbelltown Library's Photo Database.
Discussions include: Milby Hospital, Queen Street, Alf Cooper, Pembroke Road, The Depression, Gatekeeper's house at Morgans Gate, Railways, St John's Church School, War years, Fisher's Ghost, Fire Brigade, Wedderburn, Fires, joining the newspapers, ABC correspondent, television, Campbelltown news, Channel 7, Alfa House, Radio, McGill Gray, Mayor Perce Marlow, Undertaker Charlie Nicol, Fisher's Ghost Creek.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 29 November 2011
Peter Benson
Peter was delivered at home in Ingleburn on the 29 December 1924 by William Mawson. A well respected dentist, Peter talks of his family history and growing up.
Discussions include: Growing table grapes, Boer War, RAAF, Ingleburn Primary School, East Minto, Glenfield, Claude Murray Mayor of Ingleburn, Murray's farm, 1930s, Hurlstone, electricity and blackouts, bush fires, roads, Westbury Mayor of Campbelltown, Greg Percival, Harley Daley, pristine waterways, Donahue's Cave, Clive Tregear, dentistry, Jack Hepher, the Horticultural Society, Ingleburn House, Milton Park, Boy Scouts.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 13 December 2013
Ron and Ailsa Simpson
Married in 1955, Ron and Ailsa Simpson moved to Campbelltown having three of their five children here. Ron became a civil engineer and among other things Ron was involved in the community service group Apex.
Discussions include: Family, depression, Second World War, Harley Daley, administration building, Sewer Lane, Blaxland Road, early council depot, Pansy the tram, Stations of the Cross, Macquarie Cinema.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 17 December 2020
Sikander Khan
Born in Dhaka, the Capital of Bangladesh, Sikander followed his brother to Australia to continue his education after the death of his father and mother.
Discussions include: Bangladesh, foreign mission library, journalist, language, Campbelltown CBD, Campbelltown on New Year's Eve, Koshigaya Park, Bangladeshi Fair, Campbelltown Stadium.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 30 November 2016.
Susan Chandler
Susan's family lived on a dairy farm at Douglas Park when she was born. She tells us of her life revelling in her school days.
Discussions include: Bon Wrightson, Douglas Park School, Oxley Street, Sewer Lane, Dumaresq Street, Bursill's Grocery Store, St Johns, Nepean River at Menangle, Bow Bowing Creek, Woolf Schnapps mill building, Campbelltown High, working at NRMA, working at Campbelltown City Council, getting married at St Peters Church with Reverend Chandler, Macquarie Cinema, CBC Bank, Greg Percival, billy cart racing, Harley Daley, characters of Campbelltown.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 10 August 2011
Suzanne McIlveen
Living in Ingleburn since she was a small child of five, Suzanne chats with Andrew Allen about its people and what everyday life was like growing up in the forties and fifties. Suzanne also relays other recollections from before her lifetime.
Discussions include: The families Hopping, Thorman, Percival, Collins, Harris, various local businesses and events including the Ingle
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 15 Feb 2023
Ted and Anne Sedgwick
Ted and Anne Sedgwick both had grandfathers who were past Mayors of Campbelltown - Ted Sedgwick and William Cummins.
Discussions include: St John's, St Gregory's, playing tennis, Tom Hughes, Rugby League, Campbelltown Kangaroos, Australian Armours Light Horse Ruby Union Team, local politics, Tom Lewis, Greg Percival, Milk Board, Phil Simon, Payten's, Lysaght's, Dr Thomas, picture theatre; Campbelltown Theatre Group, Hepher's, Duguid Oval, Arch Walker, Stan Reeve.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 26 May 2012
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Read the Transcript of interview with Ted and Anne Sedgwick (PDF, 249KB)
Una Laird
Una arrived in Campbelltown from Armidale in 1932 when she was eight.
Discussions include: Teaching, Kentlyn, South Campbelltown, Parramatta High School, Second World War, blackouts, Methodist Church, Sunday School, Meals on Wheels, Historical Society, Anzac Day, Condamine Street and the Russian Monastery.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 17 June 2015
Uncle Ivan Wellington
Uncle Ivan Wellington, the well-known and well-loved Aboriginal elder talks about his family life growing up along the South Coast, what brought him to Campbelltown and his work with the kids of the community.
Discussions include: Billy Wellington, Jerrinjama, Dharawal National Park, Bull Cave, juvenile justice, Reiby, Appin Massacre, Father Tony Daley.
Interview by: Andrew Allen, Local Studies, Campbelltown City Library
Recorded: 7 March 2016